Ohio Appointment of Representative for Funeral Arrangements Form — Lemasters

Ohio Appointment of Representative for Funeral Arrangements Form

Ohio Appointment of Representative for Funeral Arrangements Form


Don't wait until the arrangements to solve the problem of who is in charge. This Appointment of Agent Form allows the family to decide in advance who will handle the arrangements—including authorizing cremation. This can solve the problems of multiple children, disagreements among family, and even missing family members.

This form is an editable PDF and is an instant download. You can begin using it right away. 

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Getting everyone to agree and sign documents is one of the most difficult part of arrangements. Add in the problems of—people in different states, disagreements among family, and even missing family members—and you can have a nightmare. What if you could avoid all of these problems? This form allows someone to appoint ONE person to handle their funeral arrangements a the time of death. This form can save you AND the family all the headaches by preparing them ahead of time.

This form addresses:

  • Cremation Authorization
  • Specific Arrangement Requests
  • Appointing Friends Versus Family

and includes space for your staff to enter specific details on the funeral arrangements.

This is a 2-page PDF document and it's editable. You can choose to print this form out and handwrite or type in the provided blank spaces or you can use Acrobat Reader on your desktop computer to manually type in the needed information. (Please note that there are a few states that do not use this form, so if you do not see your state it may not be available).

This editable PDF has been fully tested, structured in a logical manner to guide your conversations, and is professionally prepared.

Better yet, this is an instant download after purchase and you'll be able to start using it right away.