Parliament Issue 25 • What You Think You Know
Parliament Issue 25 • What You Think You Know
Our 25th Issue is all about what you think you know. There are common misconceptions and myths in any profession and we've designed a 'shortcut' for ours which covers some of the big ones. By the end of this issue, you'll have gained information which impacts nearly all facets of the deathcare profession.
In this issue:
Letter from the Publisher
Someone Take My Picture! | Current Trends of Deceased Photos
Funeral Directors, Ethics, Confidentiality and HIPAA by Donald J. Ferfolia, Jr., Esq.
Ethics in Business | 3 Common Misconceptions
Misconceptions of a Wrongful Cremation Case | A Case Analysis
Three Myths Most Sales Managers Believe by Gary O'Sullivan, CCFE
The owl has long been associated with wisdom, longevity and truth. They’ve appeared for centuries in old texts (and sometimes new texts) related to death and to justice.
That said, Lemasters is a blend of two things: deathcare and law.
The owl has been a part of our company symbolism since our founding (the three colored circles in the logo for Lemasters are inspired by the shape of an owl’s eye).
And the name of this publication? A Parliament is what you call a group of owls.