Each month we will post links to pertinent articles in the deathcare profession. From lawsuits to quirky sites, we’ll bring you a one-stop shop from deathcare-related items on the web. Here are this month’s links. Ohio police: Thief steals dead people's urns for metal, USA Today Alan R. Smith Jr. will have to answer to a judge— and maybe to the spirits of the dead whose urns he allegedly stole and sold as scrap metal. Smith, 26, of Harrison, was arrested Tuesday on charges of theft, vandalism and desecration, crimes he's accused of perpetrating at Hillside Chapel and Cincinnati Cremation Co., where he formerly worked.

Minister praises plan to heat swimming pool from fires of crematorium, The Telegraph (UK) A money-saving plan to heat a swimming pool with energy from the cremation of dead bodies has been backed by a senior Government minister.

Ancient cremated bodies found in field, Rugby & Lutterwoth Observer (UK) Archaeologists digging in Cawston have described the discovery of the remains of two cremated bodies dating back some 2,000 years as a major find.

Cremation Ash Diamonds, Dude I want that! From ash to ash...to bedazzled ash. Gone are the days of keeping the deceased in our hearts. In their place? Keeping the deceased around our fingers, atop our wrists, or dangling from our necks.

Coalition pushes to find, honor ashes of veterans, PilotOnline.com Veterans support a proposal that would require funeral homes to provide the names of any unclaimed cremated remains to the Department of Veterans Services so that any veterans can be interred in veterans cemeteries.

Turning artificial joints into scrap metal at the crematorium, Boingboing Combine the spike in commodity metal prices with advances in geriatric medicine and the increased trend to cremation and what do you get? A thriving trade in artificial joint harvesting and recycling. A Dutch company called OrthoMetals recycles 250 tons of scrap from cremated bodies -- cofounder Ruud Verberne notes that it takes five hips to make one kilo of metal, which fetches €12 on the scrap market.

Funeral protest bill goes to governor, The Statesman Journal Gov. John Kitzhaber's desk is the last stop for a bill increasing penalties for disorderly conduct, but not simple protest, within 200 feet of a funeral.

Cellphones for Soldiers, Northwest Ohio.com Coyle Funeral Home and Cremation Services is collecting cellphones to create calling cards for soldiers so they can stay in tocuh with their families, no matter where they are.
